Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Going down in history!

A friend of mine got quoted in this New York Times article about black rockers. He's in a band called This Moment in Black History. I heard about how they jumped onstage at SXSW last year in Austin, but didn't know they'd achieved notoriety again.

Once you're in the New York Times, your name is etched in the story of this country. Many years from now, some genealogist will find a record of his ancestor in the Times, and get a firm time and date stamp for this member his family.

Truly Indie Fans

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ode to Colds

Blow, blow, blow your nose
gently if you please
merrily, merrily, merrily,
life is but a sneeze.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

They say there is no humor in heaven, but here on earth...

We've got The Comic Torah, a race neutral retelling of the torah parcelled out through 52 Parshas (I suppose those are weekly readings of the Torah). This week's edition features a black Moses discussing his fate with God in the burning bush. God looks suspiciously like a middle-aged Asian woman.

The authors of this comic are Aaron Freeman and Sharon Rosenweig. They've created a delightful way to interface with the torah and, and provide incisive feminist and pro-black commentary of their own. (I wanted to post a page from their comic here, but didn't have permission, so follow the link.)