Friday, April 24, 2009

Asher Roth

tweeted that he was at Rutgers with some "nappy headed hos"

some of the comments over at amounted to:

"It has nothing to do with you..."

what's weird is, "nappy headed hos" had nothing to do with the Rutgers women's basketball team -- because they weren't "nappy headed" and probably led perfectly respectable social lives...

"nappy headed hos" has nothing to do with the Rutgers women who Roth was hanging out -- because he's only referencing Imus

and "nappy headed hos" has nothing to do with the black women upset by Roth's statement -- because the only thing this phrase has in common with the women it refers to is the fact that they're black. and that's not racism!!...


and a quote from out on a lark;

Mario kart skills are outrageous
Play me any day and I'll be the best racist
Wait no erase it meant to say racer -- asher roth

unfortunately, his album had already gotten panned.


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